

Maintain Peace & Foster Mutually-Beneficial International Relationships

Based on its traditionally magnanimous foreign policy, the U.S. has cultivated a rich history of being a benevolent protector, savior, and partner for many countries. We have also enjoyed complex yet fruitful alliances with the most significant economies globally. I also believe that we have to maintain a mutually respectful and beneficial relationship with all our neighbors and allies.

However, that should never take away from our primary priority – protecting our citizens and national security. We must make rational, intelligent, and capable people our decision-makers to maintain our place in the world community without being self-destructive. Our nation deserves a fair, strong foreign policy that prioritizes the interests that would maintain our national security.

In recent years, we have seen a big shift in the international perception of the U.S. Despite being inarguably the world’s foremost military power, we have been getting exploited by certain foreign forces and losing our allies one by one. An illustration of this is the latest development of close Sino-Saudi and Sino-French relations.

Similarly, while the U.S. foreign policy and its relations with most non-NATO allies lead to us providing economic aid when required, we need to ensure our interests are not compromised in the name of sending foreign aid to countries. It is not to say that foreign aid is not essential or appropriate at times. But we must be diligent and smart in our approach and ensure our country does not suffer in the process.

What’s even more alarming is that we are constantly losing control of our own country as the dollar continues to lose its hold in the international arena due to our trading policies. If countries such as Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia, trade independently and ignore the dollar, it will put the U.S. in a compromising position.

The shift in international alliances and power has resulted in America becoming a secondary power, which is unacceptable. Russia’s insistence on raging war, its energy exploitation, and our insistence on using indirect energy flow from Russia despite putting sanctions on direct energy flow is a reminder of poor decision-making from our end. Our manufacturing processes, imported products from Europe, and the need to save energy nationally are indirectly benefitting another country and causing us to lose our ground.  

We have glaring issues in our foreign trade policy that need to be resolved by trusted, levelheaded, rational individuals. We need to show a united front to the world, examine our treaties in the current context, and have leadership that can confidently ensure our allies that we will support them when needed. Our country needs to return to the values that made it a great nation and elect a leader that can show the world the U.S. can be trusted for its word and power.

We need a different, more powerful Washington.

My Policy

In recent years, we have seen a big shift in the international perception of the U.S. Despite being inarguably the world’s foremost military power, we have been getting exploited by certain foreign forces and losing our allies one by one. An illustration of this is the latest development of close Sino-Saudi and Sino-French relations.

Similarly, while the U.S. foreign policy and its relations with most non-NATO allies lead to us providing economic aid when required, we need to ensure our interests are not compromised in the name of sending foreign aid to countries. It is not to say that foreign aid is not essential or appropriate at times. But we must be diligent and smart in our approach and ensure our country does not suffer in the process.

What’s even more alarming is that we are constantly losing control of our own country as the dollar continues to lose its hold in the international arena due to our trading policies. If countries such as Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia, trade independently and ignore the dollar, it will put the U.S. in a compromising position.

The shift in international alliances and power has resulted in America becoming a secondary power, which is unacceptable. Russia’s insistence on raging war, its energy exploitation, and our insistence on using indirect energy flow from Russia despite putting sanctions on direct energy flow is a reminder of poor decision-making from our end. Our manufacturing processes, imported products from Europe, and the need to save energy nationally are indirectly benefitting another country and causing us to lose our ground.  

We have glaring issues in our foreign trade policy that need to be resolved by trusted, levelheaded, rational individuals. We need to show a united front to the world, examine our treaties in the current context, and have leadership that can confidently ensure our allies that we will support them when needed. Our country needs to return to the values that made it a great nation and elect a leader that can show the world the U.S. can be trusted for its word and power.

We need a different, more powerful Washington.

Leadership that aligns with our values and reflects our strong position

Committee leaders with experience, patriotism, and integrity to design a foreign policy

Revise our trading policy so that we are not at a disadvantage

Reassess our reliance on Russia's energy through secondary energy flow

Focus on producing other forms of energy and invest in domestic manufacturing of significant commodities

Avoid conflict and war with all nations but take necessary steps to protect the U.S. when required

Present a strong front for all American allies and focus on strengthening those relations

Your Vote Matters

I am a man of my word, and I value international peace and my country’s freedom and security. I will never take kindly to any foreign entity threatening to disrupt our nation’s sanctity and security. I am immensely proud of our nation and have no doubt in our capabilities as the primary world power. However, we need and deserve a leader who can remind us and the world about our standing and protect our citizens. I aim to do just that while implementing a policy that maintains universal peace and leaves no room for violence or unjust behavior.

Vote for Arthur Drew for a better tomorrow!

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